Jockey Wheels For Caravans & Trailers

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Jockey Wheels For Caravans & Trailers

2024-05-09 14:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

When it comes to ensuring the mobility and stability of your caravan or trailer, jockey wheels play a crucial role. They are an essential component used to lift or lower a trailer when it isn't connected to your tow ball, providing a simple solution to mounting and demounting your coupling from your vehicle. At CaravansPlus, we understand the importance of these components and offer a wide range of jockey wheels to suit your specific needs. Types of Jockey Wheels

Our extensive range includes various types of jockey wheels, each designed to cater to different requirements. We offer Swing Up Jockey Wheels that are easy to operate and ideal for smaller trailers. Our Heavy Duty Jockey Wheels are designed for larger trailers and caravans, providing extra strength and durability. For those navigating uneven terrains, our Pneumatic Jockey Wheels offer the flexibility and adaptability you need. And for those seeking durability and longevity, our Solid Jockey Wheels are the perfect choice.

Choosing the Right Jockey Wheel

Selecting the right jockey wheel depends on various factors such as the type of vehicle, its weight, and how it's used. Our team of experts is always ready to help you make an informed decision, ensuring you choose the jockey wheel that best suits your needs.

Installation and Maintenance Tips

Proper installation and maintenance of your jockey wheel are crucial to its performance and longevity. We provide comprehensive guides and tips on how to install and maintain your jockey wheel, ensuring you get the most out of your purchase.

Top Brands and Recommendations

We are proud to offer products from leading brands such as Alko, Ark, and Manutec. These brands are known for their quality, durability, and innovative designs, making them a popular choice among our customers.


What is a jockey wheel?A jockey wheel is a device used to lift or lower a trailer or caravan when it isn't connected to your tow ball. It helps in mounting and demounting your coupling from your vehicle.

What are the different types of jockey wheels?There are various types of jockey wheels including Swing Up, Heavy Duty, Pneumatic, and Solid jockey wheels. Each type is designed to cater to different requirements and uses.

How do I choose the right jockey wheel?Choosing the right jockey wheel depends on various factors such as the type of vehicle, its weight, and how it's used. It's always best to consult with an expert to ensure you make the right choice.

Explore our range of jockey wheels and discover the perfect solution for your caravan or trailer. And don't forget to check out our related categories such as Brackets & Parts for Jockey Wheels for additional accessories and components.




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